Showing 15 Result(s)

Being Transparent

Being transparent is very important for any business, in fact, I believe it should be a fundamental part of every human being. Being honest and upfront will always pay off and be a huge advantage. In translation is no different, especially when a lot of us work as freelancers and we are the face of …

Non-Binary Gender and Language

One of the recent issues facing the world of translation is how to make sure translations reflect the need for gender neutrality where this arises. With the reaffirmation of the rights of non-binary gender individuals, there’s a conscious movement to make sure people who don’t follow the conventional male/female gender are addressed in a respectful …

Literary Translations: Translating Book Titles

As translators, we make meaningful word choices every day. In every subject field, interpretation is key and we make personal choices in every sentence. A single word can change the tone of a text, the expert-level of a technical text or the accuracy of a document but in literary translation, word-meaning is maximised and the …

Being a Freelancer

A few weeks ago, a read an article about freelancers and how some industries treat freelancers. I decided to write something about it today. I’m not going to talk about the discipline needed to do this type of job, because, I have already addressed that in my previous article. I would like to talk about …

“Working nine to five”

“Working nine to five … ” I’m sure everyone remembers that beautiful song by Dolly Parton.  Today, I’m not obviously writing an article about the song, but about my work and about my “nine to five” job. As an independent translator, I am my own boss and I make my own rules. Some may think …