Showing 37 Result(s)

Keeping your business afloat

Keeping a business afloat is the hardest thing to do in this difficult time. Lots of companies had to shut down, millions of people lost their jobs and the global economy is in a very bad position. We are fighting two wars here, the war against COVID-19 and the war to keep the global economy …

After COVID-19

After COVID-19 how life will be? COVID-19 changed our lives completely, now most of us work from home, we can’t have a barbeque with family and friends, we can’t have a day at the beach or at the park and we must keep a distance from each other. It is very challenging and a lot …

Is being bilingual enough?

Is being bilingual enough to be a translator? I asked my Facebook followers to tell me what matters most in a translator, being bilingual or having a translation course. The participants answered they consider a translation course is more important and being bilingual is not enough. Why isn’t it enough? There is a widespread belief …

COVID-19 Service Update

COVID-19 is a sad reality around the world and it is important to keep great communication, even though we all must be apart. This letter is to inform you that due to the nature of my work, I am not suspending my activities for the purpose of self-isolation. I work from home and, in most …

It is urgent!

It is urgent! How many times a translator hears this or reads it in an email? I can tell you, endless times. This is something I never really understood, in more than ten years of career. Maybe translators should open an “Emergency Translation Department”, and have colleagues working 24/7 like in a hospital.  It feels …

Meeting deadlines

Meeting deadlines is a reality for most professionals. We live the world of targets and deadlines and we work tirelessly to meet them. For companies, these targets are goals to achieve. It can be the number of cases processed or contracts signed. For other professionals like translators, deadlines mark the end of the timeframe set …

A note or an appointment

A note or an appointment? How many times do you get confused because of a bad translation? The sentence doesn’t make any sense because a word was not translated correctly. You ask the person what do they mean but sometimes with no results. It can lead to rather hilarious situations. These situations are more common …


Confidentiality is a very hot topic these days. We live in the social media world and we share information like never before. Most of our activities are done online and we always need to provide a lot of information. So, where does our privacy lay in all of this? Sites and companies are obliged to …

Press releases

Press releases are the voice of every company. They are a very effective way of advertising and communicating with clients. Translating press releases is a very challenging and pleasant job. Beyond news Press releases have a very important role in the way companies work and communicate with the world outside. They are so much more …

Using technology to our advantage

Using technology to our advantage is crucial in every profession, even in our personal lives. Even though we live in a tech-obsessed world, and it can be a problem, in fact, when it is appropriately used it can make a difference in our lives, but if it’s not can turn into a nuisance. We just …