Showing 217 Result(s)

The power of words

For Australians, the federal election is just around the corner and political parties do the best they can to win our votes. It is a real war, but in this war, words are the weapons, not guns. Parties choose their words very carefully: “Cut”, “Tax”, “Pay”, “Future” because they know these words will get people’s …

Literary Translations: Translating Book Titles

As translators, we make meaningful word choices every day. In every subject field, interpretation is key and we make personal choices in every sentence. A single word can change the tone of a text, the expert-level of a technical text or the accuracy of a document but in literary translation, word-meaning is maximised and the …

Updated Words Translations

A small step, a small victory, but still a long battle

Last week, the signatures collected as part of a Legislative Initiative by Portuguese Citizens, in order to remove the AO90 (Orthographic Agreement of the Portuguese Language 1990) were tendered in the Portuguese Parliament.  Less than 24 hours later, this Legislative Initiative was made into a Project Law. It went from Citizen’s Legislative Initiative – AO90 …

A touch of webdesign

Sometimes, to do our job well, we need a little knowledge in other areas.  Being versatile and able to work on different fronts enables us to achieve a better outcome for ourselves and for our small businesses. It is impossible to think of a small business without a presence on the Internet. We live in …

Politically Correct Translations

Is there politically correct translations? Should a translator alter a text in order to make it politically correct? My answer would be no. As translators, we have to be neutral and simply transfer a message from one language into another.  We cannot alter its content. When translating a document, we have to be careful enough …

Five Tips on How to Write Your First Chapter

by Inês Bridges How to Improve Your First Chapter in Five Easy Steps The First Chapter of a Book is often the most rewritten and reworked. Not only is the first chapter your calling card for your readers, but it is also your hook for literary agents and agents. The First Chapter of your book …

Professional Development – an investment on yourself

Professional Development, or PD as it’s usually referred to is a very important part of life for professional translators and interpreters. Having a course is not enough for most professions, including translators and interpreters. We need to be constantly updated in the new technological developments, new practices and regulations and of course we need the …

British CV Adaptation and Translation from Europass Model

The British CV format is different from the Europass model used in mainland Europe. Despite the Europass being widely accepted and easily converted between European countries and languages, in Great Britain, an older model is used and the Europass, though not refused by most international and bigger-sized companies, is immediately recognised as foreign. Great Britain …

Being a Freelancer

A few weeks ago, a read an article about freelancers and how some industries treat freelancers. I decided to write something about it today. I’m not going to talk about the discipline needed to do this type of job, because, I have already addressed that in my previous article. I would like to talk about …

“Working nine to five”

“Working nine to five … ” I’m sure everyone remembers that beautiful song by Dolly Parton.  Today, I’m not obviously writing an article about the song, but about my work and about my “nine to five” job. As an independent translator, I am my own boss and I make my own rules. Some may think …