Showing 6 Result(s)

Afraid to fly?

Afraid to fly? The idea of getting on a plane makes you sick? I can relate to that, I couldn’t stand the idea of getting on a plane until I was 27 and I decided to travel from Lisbon to Sydney! It can’t get more extreme than that. I know a lot of people are …

The future of cruises

The future of cruises is still very uncertain. The cruising industry was one of the hardest hit by this pandemic. People saw cruise ships as infection breeding grounds, read about the scandals and possible malpractices inside those ships and they may not be sure it is safe to go back. On the other hand, we …

Managing my time

Managing my time properly is essential to my professional career but it also allows me to keep a good balance between work and leisure. Being organised means that I put a proper plan in place, so I can manage my time well, and that allows me more time for myself and my family. I consider …

Certify someone’s translation

Certify someone’s translation. Can a Certified Translator review someone else’s job and then certify it? No! A Certified Translator can only certify their work, it is no ethical or legal to put our stamp and certify a translation that we have not done ourselves. My experience Years ago, I was contacted by a client who …

An expert

An expert. Everyone seems to be an expert these days, and that is not totally wrong as we all have some sort of expertise on something. But what does it mean to be an expert? Having the know-how A person that is skilled and has all the know-how to help with certain problems is an …

Pushing boundaries

Pushing boundaries is very hard, humans don’t like to go out of their comfort zone and venture out in the dark. We like to feel safe and protected in our little cocoon, away from risk or danger. It is a survival mechanism we all have. But entrepreneurs can’t be safe and comfortable. If we want …