Showing 4 Result(s)

Translating Language Variants and Different Dialects

Why do language variants exist? Translating language variants and different dialects can be a sore subject for translators. Land yourself in the deep Scottish highlands and you will soon find out that you don’t need to cross over the Atlantic to find words and expressions you’ve never heard before. Language variants happen in English, Portuguese, …

The best time to learn a second language

One of the great aspects of migration is the opportunity to learn new languages. Today, some children are brought up bilingual and that is great since a language is a great tool to have. But when is the right time to learn a second language? There are quite different views on this. Some scientists believe …

Language and culture

Language and culture are fundamental parts of a country’s identity. The language is the vehicle used for communication. Therefore, it is through language that culture is passed through generations. And thanks to language, we have records of ancient cultures and people and it is also through language that those ancient cultures not only influenced our …

Non-Binary Gender and Language

One of the recent issues facing the world of translation is how to make sure translations reflect the need for gender neutrality where this arises. With the reaffirmation of the rights of non-binary gender individuals, there’s a conscious movement to make sure people who don’t follow the conventional male/female gender are addressed in a respectful …