More KLM flights to China, the airline announced in a press release earlier this year. This announcement came after the news about the easing of Covid restrictions by the Chinese Government.
China has been one of the last countries to ease its restrictions and open its borders to tourism. The news was well received by airlines and tourists alike. Apart from being a main tourist destination, China is also a major business hub, and business travel is quite prominent in the country. The same happens to tourism and businesses from China who want to visit and do business in Europe.
KLM increases its frequency
According to the article, KLM will increase its flight frequency starting on Sunday, the 26th of March. The article also says that the Chinese market is very important to the airline as it has a high level of demand from business travellers.
KLM will start its 3 weekly flights from Amsterdam to Hong Kong, and six non-stop flights to Beijing and Shanghai. The airline plans to resume its daily flights by May this year. All of this is in part of KLM’s plan to resume its regular flights to Greater China to meet the high demand, mainly from business travellers.
This is great news as it offers more flights and that means competition in the market. It is also another step towards aviation “normality” after Covid.
A warning
Although KLM plans to resume its flights to Greater China this year, the airline warns in the press release that these will always be subject to change, due to travel restrictions and governmental regulations. That has been the case for all countries, since the start of the pandemic.
KLM advises its customers to check the latest travel regulations before departure to ensure they won’t have any issues. It also warns passengers that they must wear a mask on all flights to and from China.