Showing 13 Result(s)
Updated Words Translations

Please fasten your seatbelts…

“Please fasten your seatbelts and keep your seat upright for take-off and landing” If you are a frequent traveller I am sure you heard something like this many times. But what about when the seatbelt lights are off? What does that mean and what should we do?

Updated Words Translations

“My God, it’s a woman!”

“My God, it’s a woman!” is the name of the autobiography of one of Australian Aviation’s pioneers, Nancy Bird Walton. In a time when women were discouraged from having a career or even wearing pants, becoming a pilot was something considered quite remarkable!

Updated Words Translations

Ethics, safety, or just reviews?

Ethics, safety, or just reviews? What do you take into consideration when choosing your flights? We are all different and we all have different needs and standards, so when we book our flights we might have different criteria. What is yours?

Updated Words Translations

What were your best holidays?

What were your best holidays? Holidays are about enjoying ourselves and collecting good memories. The best holidays may be different from individual to individual but in the end, we all look for the same joy, for the same fun and memories.

Updated Words


Meal time! This is always exciting, but when we talk about mealtime inside a plane, all that excitement may vanish in a second. For some, eating during a flight is a horrible experience. Let’s see why.

Updated Words Translations

Boeing Report shows growth

Boeing report shows growth for aviation. According to Boeing’s CAFMO report, there has been another year of growth for aviation financing. The opening of some domestic markets helped boost confidence in investors.