Showing 7 Result(s)

Pushing boundaries

Pushing boundaries is very hard, humans don’t like to go out of their comfort zone and venture out in the dark. We like to feel safe and protected in our little cocoon, away from risk or danger. It is a survival mechanism we all have. But entrepreneurs can’t be safe and comfortable. If we want …

An active member

An active member can bring so much to our industry. As translators, we so often complain about things that need changing in our industry, however, some of us don’t engage with that industry and are a contributing part of it. Sometimes because we are shy, I admit I’m a bit guilty of that myself, sometimes …

The price of deregulation

The price of deregulation in the translation industry is not only very high for the professionals working in this industry, but also their clients who end up with exacerbated costs. It lowers standards in the industry, leading to the exploitation of its professionals. And for clients, results in bad quality translations, full of errors, that …

Rules and regulations

Rules and regulations differ from country to country. Some countries, like Australia, may have a system in place where a regulator body can certify translators, who subsequently certify their translations; but in some countries that may not exist and clients may have to follow a few steps. It is important that, before looking for a …

Translators ask questions

Translators ask questions, we ask lots of questions to our clients. Some may think this is a sign of insecurity, lack of experience or knowledge and that we are not professional. The reality is, when we ask our clients lots of questions it’s because we want to ensure we have all the possible information about …

The value of translation

The value of translation. What’s the value of translation for a company? People may ask this question assuming translation has no value to their companies, and, therefore, they shouldn’t pay a premium for it. I read a comment from someone saying companies have “more important things to think about than translation” and they want a …

The new financial year

The new financial year starts today. Usually, this is a time for companies to make a balance and it’s also time to visit the taxman. At Updated Words, it is time to introduce some changes. It’s been a long tradition of ours to review our practices regularly and make changes when needed. This is to …