Showing 4 Result(s)

A path for freedom

A path for freedom has been established by governments. After almost 2 years of lockdowns, misery and death, it is time to think about a way out and plan for our freedom. Companies are also doing their fair share. They are highly affected by restrictions, so they understand the importance of working together to achieve …

No jab, no flight!

No jab, no flight! It is a rather controversial statement we see these days. Some take it well, others don’t. But let’s put all the politics and controversies aside and see the reason behind the statement and the importance of action. After all, we all want to go back to our freedom, so maybe we …

Doing the right thing

Doing the right thing! We all talk about it these days, and we all hear about it too. Without a doubt, if we want to get out of this pandemic and end lockdowns for once and for all, “doing the right thing” will help us get there. I would say it’s not rocket science, but …

Australia moving forward

Australia moving forward and finding its way out of this pandemic. It may seem like an illusion at the moment, especially when we have a massive outbreak and the Delta variant is spreading fast through the suburbs of Sydney. But vaccination is on the way and more and more people are getting the jab. So, …