Showing 98 Result(s)

TAP safest in Europe

TAP safest airline in Europe for 2022. The airline was rated safest in Europe by Airline Ratings. The website publishes its ratings every year and they also have a useful tool where you can compare airlines according to safety ratings. This is a remarkable achievement for TAP, which has been showing its amazing records when …

Airbus wins deliveries for 2022

Airbus wins deliveries for 2021, that is the report from the World of Aviation. Boeing and Airbus have always been fierce competitors, over the years we have seen them competing for the best aircraft in the market. Their masterpieces must not only convince consumers, who will eventually fly on them but their clients, the powerful …

At the airport

At the airport, you’re all excited about your new adventure. You have planned that holiday for a while, you have chosen the places you want to visit there and the excitement is building up very fast. Everything is packed and ready to go, your new adventure is about to start. You need to make sure …

2022 has arrived!

2022 has arrived! After a well-deserved break, here I am to help you solve your translation problems. With my batteries fully charged and ready to face the challenges of another year doing this job I love so much and that I’m so proud of. New YouTube Channel Once again, I have changed my YouTube channel. …

2021 comes to an end

2021 comes to an end, it sounds crazy because it looks like it just started. So it is time to make a balance of the year that was and start planning for the one ahead. The year of hope If anything, I think 2021 was a year of hope. The vaccines and the prospect of …

Competition and survival

Competition and survival are the mechanisms that will dictate the future of aviation post-covid. After 2 years of incredible disruption in the sector, it’s time to make a comeback and get back to normal as soon as possible. But the start may be bumpy for both passengers and airlines. The prices need to be competitive …

The future of tourism

The future of aviation may be quite different from anything we expected or anything we know today. The world is changing rapidly and that change brings new challenges. People have other ideas and values and that also reflects in the way they choose their holiday packages. The sector needs to understand these changes and adapt …

For a green aviation

For a green aviation and a much brighter future. It may seem like a romantic concept, but it is not as far fetched as you may think. For some time, airlines have been committed to reducing their carbon footprint, either with more fuel-efficient aircraft, greener fuel or simply by having a more efficient and greener …

The Covid safety ranking

The covid safety ranking is a new classification mechanism that evaluates airlines in terms of their covid safe practices. The classification was created by the international air transport rating agency, Skytrax. Just like for other ratings, the agency evaluates airlines on their covid safe practices. They assess the effectiveness and consistency of the measures put …

Holiday in your backyard

Holiday in your backyard, have you ever thought of that? In Australia, we have this habit of calling our country our backyard. I’m sure most of us have thought of it in the last 2 years, mainly because we probably couldn’t go anywhere else. But would you consider it otherwise? Every country has beautiful places …